Codling moth

Tunnelling into fruit, Cydia pomonella caterpillars (larvae) cause damage. Fruits ripen early and fall off the tree, leading to considerable yield/quality issues.

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  • Tiny (1mm), white, lens-shaped eggs are laid in sticky mass
  • Newly hatched larvae (2 mm) are pale yellow
  • Fully grown larvae (2 cm), reddish with black head, pupate in silken cocoon covered in woody material
  • Adult moths (10 mm) are greyish with pale grey and copper striped wings. Monitor using specific pheromones combined with a trap, such as Delta Trap®. 

Life cycle

  • 3 to 6 days after emerging, female Cydia pomonella lay 50-60 eggs on leaves/fruit
  • After 1 to 3 weeks (depending on temperature), eggs hatch and young larvae start to penetrate fruit
  • Moths present late spring to late summer – early autumn if above 15°C/59°F.
  • By end of summer, caterpillars exit fruit - hibernate in fissures on trees/ rocks/ fence posts
  • Following spring, larvae pupate starting new generation. 

Damage caused

  • Larvae tunnel in to fruit, creating brown-rimmed holes in skin
  • Brown, granulated excrement / frass left behind in the tunnels
  • Damaged fruit ripens earlier and falls off - causing yield losses
  • Single larva can damage several fruits.


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